Many of Dr. Khadar Valli’s new followers have this common question, what is Kashaya? (or Kashayalu as it is called in local language), and how to prepare Kashaya?
Drinking herbal decoctions have been a very old practice traditionally. Grandmothers used to suggest
different ‘kashayas’ depending on the symptoms of patients. According to Dr. Khadar Vali, deadly diseases like different cancers could be kept at bay by drinking certain ‘kashayas’ (herbal decoctions) along with eating siridhanyalu. Many people are getting their lives revived!
What is Kashaya (Kashayalu) – Kashaya is a simple preparation that is quite similar to Kardha (काढ़ा), or Herbal Tea or Herbal Decoctions or Health Drink. It is very easy to prepare. It contains the leaves, products as suggested in the diet chart by Dr. Khadar. ‘Kashayas’ are made using either the leaves or twigs or roots of plants/trees.
How to prepare Kashaya – Take 200ml water, and add one of the ingredients as listed in diet chart for your illness/ailment, and boil it on a slow flame for about 4-5minutes. Filter the mix using cotton/muslin cloth, or a tea strainer. You may want to add Plam Jaggery if you wish to enhance taste a little.
Important Points –
- Drink it empty stomach every morning (and evening) as proposed in the diet plan/chart.
- Take only one ingredient (leave/product/twig/root) at one time, do not mix all
- Take one type of Kashaya for one week, and then move to next ingredient in the list
- About 5 leaves or required number of twigs or pieces of roots are to be taken
- This ‘kashaya’ should be drunk after straining the boiled liquid. It could be drunk hot or warm.
- Moreover, water stored in a copper container only should be used for preparing herbal decoctions.
What ingredients needed to prepare Kashaya – Different types of ingredients are suggested for different ailments/illness, so please check the diet charts as proposed by Dr. Khadar, here are a couple of examples –
- Kashaya for Diabetes
- Suggested Kashaya Ingredients :
- Giloy Leaves / Fenugreek Leaves
- Mint Leaves
- Drum Stick Leaves
- Black Plum
- Tindoora Leaves
- Suggested Kashaya Ingredients :
- Kashaya for High B.P.(Blood Pressure)
- Suggested Kashaya Ingredients :
- Aegle Marmelos Leaves
- Holy Basil
- Coriander Leaves
- Cactus Grandiflorus
- Rauvolfia Serpentine Leaves
- Suggested Kashaya Ingredients :
If you wish to know more about Ganji (Gaanji), and a simple recipe, please click here.
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