Healthy Tips

dr biswaroop latest video dip diet by dr brc live game of life hindi dub latest lecture 2020

Dr. Biswaroop Roy Chowdhury’s shares his best secret protocol in this video that covers over 100 conditions that you can refer to. DIP diet is just one part, therefore check out this video for full DIP diet protocol by Dr. Biswaroop Roy. There are two more important steps that we need to know which will help you plan your DIP Diet Chart.

corona can be cured with water found russian scientists

एक अध्ययन में, वैज्ञानिकों ने पाया कि कोरोना कोविड -19 के लगभग 90% कण 24 घंटे के दौरान कमरे के तापमान वाले पानी में मर जाते हैं, इसके अलावा, वैज्ञानिकों ने पुष्टि की कि उबलता पानी कोविड -19 को तुरंत और पूरी तरह से मार देता है।

10 best millet recipes

If you are looking for healthy millet recipes using variety of millet, you have landed at the right place. We have got the best and healthy millet recipes that can be easily made at home. We have tried to use different millet in each recipe. If you are new to Millets, you must watch All About Millets which gives you brief introduction , types and benefits of millet. Millets have

stay healthy in covid 19 boost immunity total wellness home remedy tips

Stay Safe, Healthy | Health & Wellness in CORONA Days – Tips from Dr. BM Hegde & Luke Coutinho – this webinar was conducted by AYUSH, Assocham. Dr BM Hedge and Luke Coutinho share the framework of total wellness, on how we can stay safe and healthy in Covid days and protect ourselves and families from not only Corona but also build protection from such illness in future. Very insightful


Millets are the solution to many health and environment problems. In this video we have tried to explain about millet and specially siridhanya millet in brief to introduce you to the smart, healthy and sustainable food MILLET. Millet are highly nutritious, non-glutinous and not acid forming foods. Hence they are soothing and easy to digest. Millet are considered to be the least allergenic and most digestible grains available. Topics Covered

Truth About Milk Facts Milk Silent Killer White Lie Milk Nutrition BRC

डॉ बिस्वरूप रॉय चौधरी का ये वीडियो मिस मत करना – क्या चाय के बिना आपने सर दर्द करता है? क्या आप रोज़ दूध पीते हैं? क्या आप दूध वाली चाय पीते हैं? क्या दूध में प्रोटीन और कैल्शियम होता है? Don’t Miss This Video of Biswaroop Roy Chowdhury – Do You Have Headache Without Tea? Do you drink milk everyday? Do you drink milk tea? Does milk contain protein

naturopathy diet testimonials

Watch what people have to say about Biswaroop Roy Chowdhury Natural Food Diet, a diet that is 100% natural (based on fruits, vegetables) what can go wrong with this sort of diet. This video covers many many real testimonials from individuals, families that have been able to improve their health by following balanced diet that is based on fruits and vegetables. लोगों का बिस्वरूप रॉय चौधरी प्राकृतिक खाद्य आहार के