Dr Khadar Valli Siridhanya

Siridhanya – Browntop Millet (BTM) (color, size, grain, benefits)

Fiber content is 12.5% It is Greenish in color It has all the properties of Foxtail millet and additionally it is very helpful in GIT related issues (Gastro-Intestinal Tract – entire gut starting from the mouth to the rectum). So very helpful in problems like Constipation, Piles, Fissures, Fistula and other rectum related issues including Indigestion, Vomiting etc. It is very good for the skin and has anti-cancerous properties Know

Siridhanya - Kodo Millet (color, size, grain, benefits)

Fiber content is 9% It is Reddish Pink in color It is a great blood purifier Helpful in all blood-related problems like High cholesterol levels, Hyperlipidemia, Heart blocks, Kidney problems, Low Haemoglobin, Dengue, Fevers, and various immunity related problems It also has amazing properties to clean the bone marrow. It can clear all type of toxins from the blood. Also helpful in allergies. Know more about Kodo Millet and its

Siridhanya Foxtail Millet

Foxtail Millet (Minor Millet, Positive Millet, Siridhanya Millet) – names in different languages. How to identify, color, grain of Foxtail Millet Fiber content is 8% Yellowish in color It is good for Nerves and Joints Helpful in all nerve related problems e.g bed wetting in kids, convulsions, fits, old age problems like Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s Names for Foxtail Millet (Minor Millet, Positive Millet, Siridhanya Millet) in other languages spoken in the

WholesomeTales Millet Grain Siridhanya Nutrients Fiber Table

Know more about Ganji (Gaanji) recipe, please click here Click here for Kashaya/Kashayalu Recipe स्वादिष्ट मिलेट व्यंजनों के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें डॉ खादर के वीडियो देखने के लिए हमारे YouTube चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करें मिलेट से सम्बंधित नए लेख पढ़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें

Consult, Book Appointment with Dr Khadar Vali, Dr Sarla (Updated June 2021)

Many of our visitors have been asking about Dr Khadar’s clinic, how they can meet Dr. Khadar, or get an appointment for a consultation with Dr. Khadar Valli, so we thought to consolidate the best-known information here, and we hope this helps. When can you meet Dr. Khadar – Last Sunday of every “even” month (so once in two months), the phone lines will be open from 8:00 AM to

Dr Khadar Kashaya Kashayalu

Many of Dr. Khadar Valli’s new followers have this common question, what is Kashaya? (or Kashayalu as it is called in local language), and how to prepare Kashaya? Drinking herbal decoctions have been a very old practice traditionally. Grandmothers used to suggest different ‘kashayas’ depending on the symptoms of patients. According to Dr. Khadar Vali, deadly diseases like different cancers could be kept at bay by drinking certain ‘kashayas’ (herbal