WholesomeTales is the creation of Sujata Gupta, a mother, millet chef, wholesome foodie, blogger, and author, also well known in the local parents’ circle of New Delhi/NCR for her groundbreaking blog that stir the nation in 2007 that sparked “Nursery Admissions Delhi” movement and stood for parents struggle and fought for kid’s right to admission and education. She also co-founded WholesomeTales YouTube Channel – Wholesome Tales is an attempt to re-introduce, promote the real food. Way of eating that heals. Deepen your connection with food and see the miracle!
Sujata’s keen interest in “good food” led to a 2 years long research on “why do we get sick” that became founding stone for WholesomeTales, that explores “great food”, demonstrates new healthy recipes and shows our age-old ways to “wholesome’ well-being. At WholesomeTales, we are a firm believer of the fact that “if your food is right, you do not need medicine” and promote better health by “right food, right time, right way” concept, that anyone can adopt, and it is easy too! A concept that has the power to cure ailments like Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Cholesterol and many more…
WholesomeTales successfully hosted and executed 7-Day “Reboot Yourself” challenge in Feb 2017 – a first of its kind free and online program that was followed by over 100 members across India.
Sujata is a leading ‘WholesomeTales Wellness’ movement, and working with many leading visionaries and wellness experts across the globe. Her inspiration for well-being came after she was able to bring her 7-year-old son off allergy medicines and antibiotics at the age of 7; and all with changes to a diet consisting of fresh fruits and vegetables with nuts and seeds.
Besides being a blogger at WholesomeTales.com, Sujata has created some inspiring talks on her YouTube channel to guide how to live a medicine-free life. She enjoys frequently speaking on health and “food as diet” related topics. She wants to inspire people to find their well-being within so that they can find their own health freedom and live a medicine-free life!

Ashok Gupta, has over 2 decades of industry experience and worked with leading multi-nationals including nearly 8 years of experience with world’s leading healthcare company. Ashok Gupta is a certified Nutritionist and has keen interest in wellness with food and lifestyle.
Ashok, along with Sujata, have helped over 10,000 families worldwide that are able to lead a healthy life. Ashok has been featured in leading media for his work for parents community as well as public wellness.