Here are some Free Documentaries for healthy eating that can help you learn about achieving ultimate health:
- Forks Over Knives – This documentary explores the health benefits of a plant-based diet and features interviews with doctors and researchers who have studied the link between diet and chronic diseases.

- What the Health – This documentary examines the impact of the meat and dairy industries on human health and the environment, and promotes a plant-based diet.

- SuperJuice Me – The Big Juice Experiment What would happen if you put 8 people with 22 different health conditions on nothing but freshly extracted juice for 28-Days? At his Juicy Oasis retreat in Portugal, best-selling health author, Jason Vale, tests his theory that chronic disease is caused by toxicity and nutritional deficiency and that the best way to treat disease is simply with high quality nutrition… the results may surprise you!

- The Game Changers – This documentary examines the benefits of a plant-based diet on athletic performance and features interviews with top athletes and scientists..
- Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead – This documentary follows the journey of Joe Cross, who goes on a juice cleanse to lose weight and regain his health.
- That Sugar Film – This documentary follows the journey of Damon Gameau as he consumes a high-sugar diet for 60 days to explore the effects of sugar on his health.
- In Defense of Food – This documentary explores the science of nutrition and offers practical advice on how to eat for optimal health.
- Eating Documentary – This video covers a lot of ground very comprehensively. There are interviews with many doctors. These interviews will convince you that cardiovascular disease, can be reversed by making simple changes to your diet. What you will get is a virtual one-on-one consultation with some of the world’s leading authorities on heart disease reversal. You will also hear from Dr. Heidrich who treated her breast cancer by simply changing her diet. The video also covers a wide-range of other health problems, including the reversal of adult-onset diabetes with diet. It also covers the impact of typical Western diets on the environment. The Eating video is used in hospitals and wellness clinics throughout the world to motivate people to change their diets and restore their health.
- Fed Up is a 2014 American documentary film directed, written and produced by Stephanie Soechtig] The film focuses on the causes of obesity in the US, presenting evidence showing large quantities of sugar in processed foods are an overlooked root of the problem, and points to the monied lobbying power of “Big Sugar” in blocking attempts to enact policies to address the issue.
- Diet Fiction This film exposes the most popular diets on the planet as well as several misconceptions about weight loss and nutrition. It follows the audacious filmmaker Michal Siewierski (Food Choices) in his treacherous journey into the controversial world of weight loss and dieting, as he uncovers several shocking facts and confronts common misconceptions, and misleading information propagated by the industry over the last several decades. Showing the often-devastating effects that obesity has on people’s lives and exposing the viewer to new disruptive ideas and science-based evidence that could potentially lead to long term sustainable weight loss and improved health.
and Here is one bonus ….
Food Choices Join award-winning filmmaker Michal Siewierski on his three-year journey to expose the truth about our food choices. This ground-breaking documentary explores the impact that food choices have on people’s health, the health of our planet and on the lives of other living species. And also discusses several misconceptions about food and diet, offering a unique new perspective on these issues. Featuring interviews with 28 world-renowned experts, including Dr. T Colin Campbell, Joe Cross, Dr. John McDougall, Capitan Paul Watson, Dr. Michael Greger, Rich Roll, Dr. Richard Oppenlander, Dr Toni Bark and several others. This film will certainly change the way you look at the food on your plate.
These documentaries for healthy eating on netflix provide valuable insights into the link between diet and health, and can help you make informed choices about your own health and well-being.

Here’s a table summarizing the documentaries mentioned earlier along with their links to watch:
Documentary Name | Watch Link |
Forks Over Knives | |
What the Health | |
SuperJuice Me | |
The Game Changers | |
Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead | Part 1 Part 2 |
That Sugar Film | |
In Defense of Food | |
Eating Documentary | |
Fed Up | |
Diet Fiction | |
Food Choices | |